Sanguinarian Vampyres

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Sanguinarian Vampyres are Vampyres who drink blood from another human or even sometimes animal, donor. They ingest a small amount of blood as a source of energy. This is the quickest and most simple way for a Vampyre to acquire prana. Prana is another way of saying energy.

Blood is the most significant source of physical energy force - also known as prana. Blood is filled with iron - one of the body's most needed elements. This gives a human's blood a slight "coppery" taste. However, the taste of a human's blood also depends on their diet. If a person eats mostly fruits and veggies their blood will have a "sweeter" taste. If they eat a lot of sodium and/or fatty foods their blood will have a "saltier" taste with a stronger "copper"-tasting kick. Today we will talk about the techniques a Sanguinarian may use for feeding.

Before we go any further I would like to make the following warning: Do not use biting as a technique for getting blood. I can't stress enough how dangerous this is! Not only can it cause damage to nerves, muscles, tendons and other tissues, it is also extremely dirty and causes a major disease risk - especially for the donor. A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's mouth. They have natural bacteria - good bacteria - to clean their mouths. Humans also have this same bacteria but no where near the extent of a dog. That being said - would you want a dog to bite you? I didn't think so. I'd say I've made my point.

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A Sanguinarian Vampyre is a Vampyre that survives by drinking the blood of a human or other mammal. Sanguinarians can feed other ways as well. I'm an Eclectic Vampyre and can feed many ways - including Sanguinariusly. There are several ways to gain prana but today we will be focusing on Sanguinarian techniques - bloodletting.

You only need a few drops of blood to do the trick. You don't want to kill your donor or make yourself sick! Some tools that can be used safely if used properly are disposible lancets, disposible razors, and disposible diabetic syringes for those that know how to properly draw blood. If you can get your hands on a scalpel, that would be ideal. For safety purposes: Anytime you are thinking of using someone as a donor in this fashion, you must get a full blood panel - a "complete blood count" - done on both parties to make sure you are both safe. You don't want to catch a disease.

If you don't need the blood, don't take the blood. It's a risky thing to do and is not something you should be doing just for the fun of it. Both bloodletting and blood-drinking can be very hazardous, dangerous activities. If you don't have the proper training and tools you are risking death! Also - don't go cutting yourself either. It is pointless to drink your own blood because our blood does not have the necessary life-force we need that is in the blood of other humans.

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Using a diabetic lancet, prick the tip of your willing donor's index finger. Squeeze out about 5-7 drops of blood. Lick the drops and suck the rest of it out of the finger prick. You can also use a razor or scalper to make a tiny cut and suck the blood out of that. You get more blood using a razor or scalpel. You can also draw about 30 cc's of blood with a disposible diabetic syringe and literally squirt it into your mouth. Never use the same syringe more than once. A lot of Vampyres, however, don't like this form of bloodletting because they feel some of the energy comes from getting the blood straight from the skin. Also, it is not as warm.

It is important that you use the method that your donor is most comfortable with. A satisfied and happy donor makes for better, stronger and happier energy. You don't want to feed from someone who is unhappy, depressed, angry or upset in any way. Make sure the donor is happy, calm and stable.

The risk of getting an infectious disease or a virus are high if you don't practice proper and safe bloodletting with your donor. The diseases mostly transmitted through this type of feeding are HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, C, and D, Syphillis and Human Papilloma Virus. So remember to play it safe - get your donor and yourself tested and have fun!

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~Page Created and Written by BeautifulEnlightenment~

*This page is an excerpt from my non-fiction novel about Vampyres. I have rights and royalties to the above work. Any attempt to duplicate the above work will result in criminal charges and civil action.*

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